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Pay with your Vote

The legacy of white supremacy that criminalizes, kills, and steals people of color from the futures they deserve has another less visible, but important disempowering effect: The deprivation of our right to vote.

-Advancement Project

at home

Voting is one of the most important ways to fight against racism. If you, your family, or your friends do not vote as part of your fight for anti-racism, others make policy decisions for you. Real policy changes happen in Washington DC, in your state, and in your neighborhoods.  Vote in your local and state elections. Take the time to do the research on who you are voting for and ensure their platform, regardless of their political party, aligns with anti-racism work. Here are examples of how to pay with your vote at home:

at work

The Bystander Effect states that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when there are other people present; the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that one of them will help. Don't let the Bystander Effect be real for you. Use your voice and your vote at work to help others, to advocate for policies that dismantle systemic racism.  This requires self-reflection, rethinking, and relearning past behaviors and approaches in the work place. Here are examples of how to pay with your vote at work:

on the street

If you've done the work and you're fighting against racism,  run for school board, city council, or even state legislature.  Vote on issues that improve the lives of Black and Brown people. Here are examples of how to pay with your vote on the street:

Pay with your

Pay with your 

Pay with your

Pay with your

Pay with your

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